Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Weight: 177.9
LOSS TD: 24.1 
MOOD: Tired and PMSed  
Symptoms: exhausted 

Very sorry that I haven't wrote in a while. I haven't felt the need and my husband came back to town and I feel that really made my diet messed up. Since the last post, I have drove to Oregon, stayed one night. Gone to a BBq with family and the Fair. Back to school and lots of long evenings with soccer and karate for the kids. i have managed to be good but I know that I could have done MUCH better with this diet. I am happy with my weight loss and I am happy with the results thus far. I have gone from a tight 16 to a nice loose size 12. I could have made it to 170 or 169 and that would have been awesome. I forgot to say. I am cutting this round early by three days because my Tom came again and my little family and I have a huge weekend ahead. Soccer practice, Karate, camping and going to the drive in. I didn't want to be on a VLCD without drops and traveling all around washington biting the heads off of my family and friends. So I am doing it in the comfort of my home where i can relax the day away and reflect on my first journey with Omninutrition HCG drops. 
First of all, I so wish i had lost more weight.I don't know why i stalled so much and why I failed when others succeed so much better. I read this morning on another blog that if you intend to lose more weight you have to up your drops by like 15 to 20 per drop. I was blown away by that news because that info would have helped about four weeks ago. LOL oh well. I am happy that my husband keeps calling me skinny and that he is impressed with how well i've done. But doesn't stop him from mowing down hamburger and a big gulp in front of me or a coveted bag of chips that I would love to have. 
You know every time i cheated was due to lack of preparation  There was so many times I could have just avoided a downfall had I prepared something and been more vocal about my eating plans to somebody. I have only told a handful of people the real diet i am on. Most women in the area I live in are not open to this kind of diet yet. Most of them are on the Organic, vegan, super expensive paleo or something diet. Or they just aren't open minded to that. Or, I am a terrible seller.. lol I will go with the latter. 
So here it is the finally day. The last time I took drops was last night at 8pm. So that means I can eat normally at 8pm on Friday, which i won't till Saturday Morning. Its weirds. I am very frightened of messing up P3. I am not the only one. The FB page is riddled with women having the same concerns as me. Gaining or not knowing what to eat. Not having a Clear guideline on what to put in your mouth. I am ready for R2 already. Very ready to get back in there and really try hard this time to be warrier dieter and lose at least 30 more pounds. 40 would be SO idyllic i wouldn't even know what to do with myself. 40lbs would put me at 140ish and I would be done with this and on to living my life in skinny jeans.. haha! Not beating myself up I swear. I feel good about my progress but I can always dream bigger dreams. 
So here it is the finally day. The last time I took drops was last night at 8pm. So that means I can eat normally at 8pm on Friday, which i won't till Saturday Morning. Its weirds. I am very frightened of messing up P3. I am not the only one. The FB page is riddled with women having the same concerns as me. Gaining or not knowing what to eat. Not having a Clear guideline on what to put in your mouth. I am ready for R2 already. Very ready to get back in there and really try hard this time to be warrier dieter and lose at least 30 more pounds. 40 would be SO idyllic i wouldn't even know what to do with myself. 40lbs would put me at 140ish and I would be done with this and on to living my life in skinny jeans.. haha! Not beating myself up I swear. I feel good about my progress but I can always dream bigger dreams. 
P3 i hope you are nice to me. Can't wait to blog about my new stuff and to lose the weight in Round 2 in October. 

Second, i should have been more prepared when traveling. I have learned that no matter what, keep food on me at all times and some stevia packets. I have been going to Whole Foods and grabbing their free sweet leaf stevia packets by the coffee station. I refuse to pay them anymore money for stevia if i spend over 75 bucks just because I feel I deserve something free. If my kids get free bananas and applesauce i should at least get some stevia packets. LOL Crackers are another thing to always have on hand in my purse. Water, water and water. With lemon, with chocolate with something. Always have a gallon on you. I keep a container of 1 gallon in my car. Doesn't mean i always drink it but keep it on me. 1 orange and 1 apple too should always be with me. Hard because my kids are fruit fiends and will steal my apples in a heartbeat and not even have remorse. Sometimes that makes it hard. My friend and distributer jenny told me to go to Subway and do a chopped salad. That truly has been a lifesaver on multiple occasions when it was impossible to bring food with me. I had a cooler with me when driving to Oregon a few weeks ago. But my ice packet defrosted eventually and couldn't keep the cooler cold enough and the kids (and husband) ended up eating all my chicken.. My favorite salad there is the Chopped salad with double the chicken, cucumber  tomatoes, onions, and pepperoncini's. I  only get double the chicken because I usually share all my food with somebody and they  eat my chicken. Mostly my husband who loves salads. When on our road-trip we probably had 3 salads and then went to the fair where I had one more because I knew there wouldn't be anything I could eat there. 

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